The Collegiate Church of Bolea (Huesca)
The collegiate church of Bolea is a 16th century church made in late Gothic and Renaissance styles. Inside it treasures a set of artistic works of first category. The altarpiece in the main altar stands out; it is a work carried out between 1490 and 1503 which was already in the previous Romanesque temple from the 12th century and from which the crypt is preserved. The author of this altarpiece has been called Master of Bolea and could be an artist of Italian origin who introduced the Renaissance in the Aragonese painting of the time. In fact this is the first example of Renaissance painting in Aragon and where you can clearly see the use of perspective.
Other relevant works that are preserved here are a small altarpiece made in the workshop of Juan de Brabant and with tables made by Pero de Aponte, chamber painter of Fernando thel Catholic King. Next to these works and on the gospel altar we find another altarpiece made also by Damián Forment in the sixteenth century and fully Renaissance,
Interior de la Colegiata de Bolea
Retablo del Maestro de Bolea

Last supper

Detalle del retablo mayor
Detalle de la mazonería de Juan de Brabante
Retablo de Juan de Brabante y Pedro de Aponte
Retablo de Damián Forment
Detalle de retablo de Damián Forment