
Romanesque Crucifixes in the north of Aragon

These Romanesque carvings wich represent the crucifixion of Jesus are found in several churches and museums located in the north of the Spanish region of Aragon. Each one have its own artistic value, but the ensemble forms an extraordinary collection which shows the sculptorical richness which developed in north Aragon in twelfth century. 
The Romanesque crucified Christs are characterized by their separated feet and the four nails. Nevertheless if we compare them we can discover certain differences among them, sucha as the polychromy, their faces expresion, a more or less mobility in their arms and the length of their purity cloths. It is clear that if all of them follow a common model, their creators were different in all cases.  
Cristo de Ardisa.  Museo Diocesano de Jaca
Cristo de Ardisa. Museo Diocesano de Jaca
Cristo de Asín de Broto. Asín de Broto (Huesca) (Fotoigrafía de G.Omedas)
Cristo de Asín de Broto. Asín de Broto (Huesca) (Fotoigrafía de G.Omedas)
Cristo de Jaca. Museo Diocesano de Jaca
Cristo de Jaca. Museo Diocesano de Jaca
Cristo de Lecina.  (1152) Colegiata de Alquézar (Huesca). (Fotografía de G. Omedas
Cristo de Lecina. (1152) Colegiata de Alquézar (Huesca). (Fotografía de G. Omedas
Cristo de Siresa. Monsaterio de Siresa (Huesca)
Cristo de Siresa. Monsaterio de Siresa (Huesca)